Julie Haufe, LMT, Reiki Master
Julie Haufe is a 2006 graduate of Massage Therapy at Capri College, Dubuque, Iowa and holds a B.A. in Communication from the University of Northern Iowa. Julie addresses the body as a total unit with principle-based techniques that treat the physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, and external influences to enhance well-being and improve health conditions.
I have heard about dry brushing. How do you dry brush and what are the benefits?
I tend to clench my teeth at night. Is it stress-related? What can I do?
My knee hurts. I have been golfing and riding a bike. What can help?
I struggle with seasonal depression and low energy. How can massage help?
I lost my sense of smell after having Corona Virus. Is there anything I can do?
To schedule an appointment with Julie, please call 563-207-8932 or visit Mindbody. View our brochure.