What is most meaningful to you in life? Many of us rush day to day, year to year, without reflecting on what matters most to us. We live on auto-pilot rather than living on purpose to align our actions with our passions. There are loads of resources available to explore and identify your core values, yet I like to start with a very simple exercise called a core values worksheet. You can download a copy using the link below.
The list contains more than 100 core values. Circle all that resonate with you, going with your gut instinct and not overthinking each one. Then, group similar values together into five groupings. Last, choose one word from each grouping that seems to best represent that group. Now you have your top five core values! Over the next few weeks, we will work together to better define your core values and how to apply your core values to your life, including how to let go of New Year's Resolutions and learn new ways of making long-lasting life changes.
~Nicole Hutchison, PT, CSCS, Holistic Health & Integrative Nutrition Coach